American Economic Alert is here to help you make a better decision. We try our best to share our opinion, an opinion based on rich experience in investing and trading during last 16 years.
Should you listen to us, or care about us? Well it’s up to you to decide. If you are looking for a reliable source of helpfull information, then it might be a good idea to give us a chance to help you make some extra cash.
Throughout the years we have learned a lot about forex trading and binary options, and now we have decided to provide you the knowledge you need to start your own voyage in trading. We are going to do that with this website which covers almost all of the topics related to forex trading (managed forex accounts, forex trading bots, forex trading strategies), IQ options, trading signals, CFD trading and more.
Our main goal is helping novice traders to evade most of the problems and chalenges associated to high risk trading. Shout out to experienced traders – We asure you will be mind blown by our unorthodox approach to everyday challenges, they are going to help you achieve your goals.
Who are we?
Ales ogorevc - Financial Analyst
Ales Ogorevc is our Financial Analyst and full time writer at
He lives for the ever-changing world of business, finance and investing and expresses his expertise of communication through written articles in financial publications.
He inspires us with his clear understanding of businesses and trends and the ability to connect the dots.